
Monday, August 23, 2010

Next Attraction and Coming Soon- What's Next from Session 5

After the break, Coach discussed our ASSIGNMENT for the next succeeding meetings:
(Reporting of Assigned Chapters, due 2 weeks from now)
What to do?
- Just make a question based on the slides of your assigned topic
- Make 10 questions from the slide.
- End in View: Post chapter questions on your blog and email to coach. Midterms will be based on the questions created by the student in their reporting.
- Student must Look at blogs of classmates and see the questions. Coach will get atleast one question from each of the presentation/report. (Depending on how ‘good’ your questions are)
- Modification: post a concept on what the question what based.
- Slide 1: Question 1, Slide 2: Answer 1, Slide 3:Concept 1. Question 2, Answer 2, Concept 2…….
- Available in slide share. “Learning by Coaching” Become a better student by thinking like a professor.
Overview 5 STEPS
1. Leverage value of marketing concepts
2. Review for concept test
3. Enhance marketing mastery
4. Score well in midterms. If you want to have high grade, you need to have a high grade in the midterms as this differentiates the grade. Something that you should focus on. Competitive positioning map.
5. Promote your blog (Drive Traffic to your blog)
-best to have 5 choices
Went on to explain bad questions (examples)
Don’t make it like a battle of the brainless. Make the choices seem all possible.
Use the downloading template
DUE TWO WEEKS from NOW. Email it and post in blog.
Sep 2 – 11:55 PM Email embed in blog (powerpoint question)
Sep 10 – Concept Test
What is so Ateneo about the Ateneo graduate school of business?
Creating profits while building value

8:42 Final reminders for the talk next Friday
Any questions on the flyer? No.
Any questions on the sept 2 and sept 10 assignment? Good, very bright people.
Finally, coach gave us a preview on the succeeding assignments or paper that we have to do for his class. Coach asked us to do a marketing plan, but not a product marketing plan per se. Coach introduced an individual personal marketing plan.
Concept: YOU.
Why? Better chance of being competitive, market position, why not make marketing brand “you”. Template for that is in hypermarketing v2 concept blogsite.
Coverpage team for personal marketing plan
WIMBLEDON FINAL (Marketing Plan for yourself)
Write vision and mission statement, make identifiable to yourself.
What you’re good at, what you really want to do.
10 step plan (Next 20 years)
Explain later how to do this, do a brand launch. Launch personal brand,make animation presentation and how people remember you. Free for all.
A lot of examples in slideshare, example: Arian trovela’s Blog and marketing. Best student sites, sample blog in,
SEP 23: 20 year personal marketing plan.
Budget allocation 9000
- Reconcile expenses: wed latest
- For Write up or anything regarding about the Kit please contact Rose.
Reminder: Wear something BLACK.

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